Canada Unit: I’se the B’y Dance, Bonavist Harbour


Student Teachers: James Gerrard, Tim Ketterer, Sarah Famiglietti

Grade Level: 6

Date of Lesson: May 13, 2010



Content Standards:

Standard 1: Singing alone or with others a varied repertoire of music.

Standard 9: Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Student Learning Objective(s)

1. Students will be able to accurately perform

    the dance steps to “I’se the B’y” while



2. Students will be able to accurately sing the

   correct pitches, rhythms, and words of

   “Bonavist Harbour”.


3. Students will be able to correctly identify

    the meter of the song.


4. Students will be able to identify Canada’s

    history, geography and culture in relation to

    the song.


1. I will monitor to see if the students have

    learned the dance and if they can accurately

    perform the dance in time.

2. I will also monitor to see which students are

    struggling with singing and dancing at the

    same time.

3. Observe each student and informally assess

    his or her ability to sing the melody

    accurately with correct pitches, rhythms, and   


4.  Students will listen and sing “Bonavist

     Harbour” and be asked what meter they

     think it is in.

5. Students will be asked what they have

    learned about Canada’s history, geography

    and culture in relation to the song.

Learner Background: Students will have already learned the song I’se the By in its entirety as well as the difference between simple and compound meter in lesson one.


Classroom Learning Environment: 


Standards of Behavior  






Group Work






Instructional Arrangement


Standards of Behavior:  I have noticed that the standards of behavior have been set high, although there are moments when the students will chat with one another during instruction. I expect all students to listen quietly while I model the dance for them and when they repeat what I have shown them. Students will be expected to be respectful, attentive, and participate in the activities of which they are asked.

Procedures and Instructional Arrangement: Being organized with my teaching procedures and my instructional arrangement will help the students learn and remember the steps to the dance. Students will be seated according to the teacher prior to my lesson.  They are accustomed to learning songs by rote and singing along with the entire the class.

Transitions: Students in this classroom are used to smooth, fast transitions.  

Instructional Model/Strategy

The students will be arranged seated on the floor facing the teacher and the board semi-close to each other and the teacher.  This will help them focus on learning the song.

Direct Instruction: At the beginning of the lesson, the students will be introduced to Canada, its culture, history and geography of Newfoundland.  They will also be introduced to a popular Canadian song.

Inquiry: Students will be asked what their prior knowledge of Canada is.  Students will discover what 6/8 meter is through singing “I’s the B’y” and feeling the macrobeat through an ostinato on their bodies. 

Concept Formation/Concept Development: While physically participating in the learning of the song and performing an ostinato on their bodies, they will understand the concept of 6/8 meter be able to feel the macrobeat.



Direct Instruction       


Cooperative Learning – specific strategy




Concept formation/Concept Development






1. Recording of I’se the By


2. Map of Bonavist Harbour


3. Pitch Pipe



Modification/Accommodations of resources (IF needed)



Students Will:



-The lesson will open with singing “O’ Canada”

-Listen and answer the question: “What is the name of the song we learned last time?”

-Students will sing “I’se the B’y” while keeping the pulse.

-Listen and answer the question: “What meter is ‘I’se the B’y’ in?”

-Listen and answer the question: “What is 6/8 time?”

-Listen as I explain that there are many dances in 6/8 time, and that they will be learning one today.

1. Listen as I explain that there is a dance that goes with “I’se the B’y” and we are going to be learning it. The students will be informed that they need to pay full attention as I teach the dance, and that there cannot be any talking.



Lesson Development



2. stand and form a circle in the center of the room.

3. watch as part one of the dance is modeled for them and answer the question “What word am I saying as I clap?” (her)

4. perform and sing the first part of the dance.

5. watch as part two of the dance is modeled for them and answer the question “What am I saying when I clap?”  (‘za)

6. perform and sing the second part of the dance.

7. watch as I model the first and second

    parts of the dance.

8. perform and sing the first and second part

      of the dance.

9. count off in two’s

       -1’s face left

       -2’s face right

10. watch as part three of the dance is

      modeled for them.

11. perform and sing the third part of the   


       - lead with their left foot and link their  

         right arms with their partner.

       - link their left arms with their next  


12. watch as I model the last part of the dance and answer the questions, “What word did I stop and face forward on?” (around) “What word was I saying when I clapped?”

13. perform and sing the final step of the  


       -stay with their last partner with their   

        arms linked.

       -unlink their arms as they sing    

        “around the circle.”

       -clap on the final beat of the song

14. perform and sing the whole dance at a

      slow tempo while singing.

15. perform and sing the dance a various   

      tempos, as they get comfortable. (I will

      informally assess when it will be

      appropriate to proceed to a faster tempo)

16. listen as I explain that they will be

      learning a new song from Newfoundland.




17. look at the map of Canada and


    and listen as I describe:

a.     where Bonavista Harbour is and

b.     that Bonavista Harbour is a town in Newfoundland

18. listen as I explain that “I’s the B’y” was  

      about sailing and fishing, and be prepared

      to answer the question, “What do you   

      think ‘Bonavist Harbour’ will be about?

19. listen as I sing through the song and be

      prepared to answer the question, who is  

      fishing together in this song?

20. listen as I sing through the song and be

      prepared to answer the question, there are 

    “_____ from Carbonear”?

21. listen as I sing through the song and be

      prepared to answer the question, who

      went to church every Sunday?

22. listen as I sing the verse and then echo   


23. listen as I sing the chorus and then echo


24. listen as I sing both the verse and chorus

      together and then echo me.

25. listen as I sing the second verse and echo   


26. sing the whole song with me and then 

      sing as a group without my help.



27. raise their hands if they can tell me:

    a.  Who is fishing together in this song?

    b.  There are “_____ from Carbonear”?

    c.  Who went to church every Sunday?

    d.  What meter do you think the song is in

         and why?

28. listen as I explain that they will be

      listening to recordings of “Bonavist

      Harbour” that have the entire song, and

      they will be able to hear the different

      instruments that are used in Canadian folk



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